Equipe d'Anthropologie Evolutive

Publications - Journaux scientifiques

Liste de tous les articles des membres actuels de l'équipe. Affichage par thème, auteur, année.


Davidian, E. Surbeck, M. Lukas, D. Kappeler, P.M., Huchard,E. 2022. The eco-evolutionary landscape of power relationships between males and females. Trends in Ecology and Evolution, :. pdf.

Shivani, Huchard, E. Lukas, D. 2022. The effect of dominance rank on female reproductive success in social mammals. Peer Community Journal, :1-52. pdf.


Carter, A.J., Baniel, A. Cowlishaw, G. & Huchard, E. 2020. Baboon thanatology: Responses of filial and non-filial group members to infants' corpses. Royal Society Open Science, :. pdf.

Dibakou, S.E., Souza, A. Boundenga,L. Givalois, L. Mercier-Delarue,S. Simon, F. Prugnolle, F. Huchard, E. Charpentier, M.J.E. 2020. Ecological, parasitological and individual determinants of plasma neopterin levels in a natural mandrill population. International Journal for Parasitology, 11:198-206. pdf.

Webb, C., Woodford, P., Huchard E. 2020. The study that made rats jump for joy, and then killed them. BioEssays, 42:1-2. pdf.


Baniel, A., Delaunay, A., Cowlishaw, G., Huchard, E. 2019. Oestrous females avoid mating in front of adult male bystanders in wild chacma baboons. Royal Society Open Science, 6:181009. pdf.

Dibakou, S.-E., Basset, D., Souza, A., Charpentier, M., Huchard, E. 2019. Determinants of variations in fecal neopterin in free-ranging mandrills. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 7:368. pdf.

Webb, C., Baniel, A., Cowlishaw G., Huchard, E. 2019. Friend or foe: Reconciliation between males and females in wild chacma baboons. Animal Behaviour, 151:145-155. pdf.

Webb, C., Woodford, P., Huchard, E. 2019. Animal ethics and behavioral science: an overdue discussion?. BioScience, 10:778-788. pdf.


Baniel A, Cowlishaw G, Huchard E. 2018. Jealous females? Female competition and reproductive suppression in a wild promiscuous primate. Proceedings of the Royal Society B , 285:20181332. pdf.

Baniel A, Cowlishaw G, Huchard E. 2018. Context-dependence of female reproductive competition in wild chacma baboons. Animal Behaviour, 139:37-49. pdf.

Lukas D & Huchard E. 2018. . BioRxiv, 405688 2018. The evolution of infanticide by females in mammalian societies. BioRxiv, :. pdf.

Maris V & Huchard E. 2018. Interventionisme et faune sauvage. Les ateliers de l'éthique, :. pdf.


Baniel, A. Cowlishaw,G. Huchard, E. 2017. Male violence and sexual intimidation in a wild primate society . Current Biology, 27:2163-2168. pdf.

Huchard E, Schliehe Diecks S, Kappeler PM, Kraus C. 2017. The inbreeding strategy of a solitary primate, Microcebus murinus. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 30:128-140. pdf.

Kaesler, E. Kappeler, PM. Brameier, M. Demeler, J. Kraus, C. Rakotoniaina, JH. Hämäläinen, A. Huchard, E. 2017. Shared evolutionary polymorphism of major histocompatibility complex polymorphism in sympatric lemurs. Molecular Ecology, 26:5629-5645. pdf.

Winternitz J, Abbate JL, Huchard E, Havlícek J, Garamszegi LZ. 2017. Patterns of MHC-dependent mate selection in humans and non-human primates: a meta-analysis. Molecular Ecology. Molecular Ecology, 26:668-688. pdf.


Baniel A, Cowlishaw G, Huchard E. 2016. Stability and strength of male-female associations in a promiscuous primate society. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 70:761-775. pdf.

Huchard E, English S, Bell M, Thavarajah N, Clutton-Brock T. 2016. Competitive growth in a cooperative primate. Nature, 533:532-534. pdf.


Pechouskova E, Dammhann M, Brameier M, Fichtel C, Kappeler P, Huchard E. 2015. MHC variation in a rare and ecological specialist mouse lemur reveals lower allelic richness and contrasting selection patterns compared to a generalist and widespread congener. Immunogenetics, 67:229-245. pdf.


Carter AJ, Horrocks NP, Huchard E, Logan CJ, Lukas D, MacLeod KJ, Marshall HH, Peck HL, Sanderson JL, Sorensen MC. 2014. Junior scientists are sceptical of sceptics of Open Access: a reply to Agrawal. Trends in plant science, 19:339-340. pdf.

Carter, A.J. Horrocks, N.P.C. Huchard, E. Logan, C.J. Lukas, D. MacLeod, K.J. Marshall, H.H. Peck, H.L. Sanderson, J.L. & Sorensen, M.C. 2014. Junior scientists are sceptical of sceptics of open access: a reply to Agrawal. Trends in Plant Science, 19:339-340. pdf.

Huchard E & Pechouskova E. 2014. The Major Histocompatibility Complex and primate behavioural ecology: new tools and future questions. International Journal of Primatology, 35:11-31. pdf.

Lukas D & Huchard E. 2014. The evolution of infanticide by males in mammalian societies. Science , 346:841-844. pdf.

Lukas, D. & Huchard, E. 2014. The evolution of infanticide by males in mammalian societies. Science , 346:841-844. pdf.


Clutton-Brock T & Huchard E. 2013. Social competition and selection in males and females. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society Series B, 368:20130074. pdf.

Clutton-Brock T & Huchard E. 2013. Social competition and its consequences in female mammals. Journal of Zoology, 289:151-171. pdf.

English S, Huchard E, Nielsen J & Clutton-Brock T. 2013. Early growth, dominance acquisition and lifetime reproductive fitness in male and female cooperative meerkats. Ecology and Evolution, 3:4401-4407. pdf.

Huchard E, Baniel A, Schliehe-Diecks S & Kappeler P. 2013. MHC-disassortative mate choice and inbreeding avoidance in a solitary primate. Molecular Ecology, 22:4071-4086. pdf.

Huchard E, Charpentier MJE, Marshall H, Knapp LA & Cowlishaw G. 2013. Paternal effects on access to resources in a promiscuous primate society. Behavioral Ecology, 24:229-236. pdf.

Pyritz LW, Fichtel C, Huchard E & Kappeler P.M. 2013. Determinants and outcomes of decision-making, group coordination and social interactions during a foraging experiment in a wild primate. PLOS One , 8:e53144. pdf.


Benavides,J. A., Huchard, E., Pettorelli, N., King, A. J., Brown, M. E., Archer, C. E., Appleton, C. C., Raymond, M., Cowlishaw, G. 2012. From parasite encounter to infection: multiple-Scale drivers of parasite richness in a wild social primate population. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 147:52-63. pdf.

Charpentier MJE, Huchard E, Gimenez O, Sallé B, Kappeler PM, Renoult J. 2012. Distribution of affiliative behavior across kin classes and fitness consequences in mandrills. Ethology, 118:1198-1207. pdf.

Huchard ,E.*, Gomez D.*, Henry PY & Perret M. 2012. Mutual mate choice in a female-dominant and sexually monomorphic primate. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 147:370-371 [ * : equal contribution]. pdf.

Huchard E, Canale CI, Le Gros C, Perret M, Henry PY & Kappeler PM. 2012. Convenience polyandry or convenience polygyny? Costly sex under female control in a promiscuous primate. Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 279:1371-1379. pdf.

Huchard E.*, Benavides JA.*, Pettorelli N, King AJ, Brown ME, Archer CE, Appleton CC, Raymond M & Cowlishaw G. 2012. From parasite encounter to infection: multiple-scale drivers of parasite richness in a wild social primate population. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 147:52-63 [ * : equal contribution]. pdf.

Huchard, E., Albrecht, C., Schliehe-Diecks, S., Baniel, A., Roos, C., Kappeler, P.M., Brameier,M. 2012. Large-scale MHC class II genotyping using next generation sequencing of a wild lemur population. Immunogenetics, 64:895-913. pdf.


Huchard E & Cowlishaw G. 2011. Female-female aggression around mating: an extra cost of sociality in a multimale primate society. Behavioral Ecology, 22:1003. pdf.

King AJ, Sueur C, Huchard E & Cowlishaw G. 2011 2011. A rule-of-thumb based on social affiliation explains collective movements in desert baboons. Animal Behaviour, 82:1337. pdf.


Célérier, A., Huchard, E., Alvergne, A., Féjan, D., Plard, F., Cowlishaw, G., Raymond, M. & Bonadonna , F. 2010. Detective mice assess relatedness in baboons using olfactory cues. The Journal of Experimental Biology, 213:1399-1405. pdf.

Huchard, E., Alvergne, A., Féjan, D., Knapp, L.A., Cowlishaw, G. & Raymond, M. 2010. More than friends? Behavioural and genetic aspects of heterosexual associations in wild chacma baboons. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 64:769-781. pdf.

Huchard, E., Knapp, L.A., Raymond, M. & Cowlishaw, G. 2010. MHC, mate choice and heterozygote advantage in a wild social primate. Molecular Ecology, 19:2545-2561. pdf.

Huchard, E., Raymond, M., Benavides, J., Marshall, H., Knapp, L.A. & Cowlishaw, G. 2010. A female signal reflects MHC genotype in a social primate. BMC Evolutionary Biology, 10:96. pdf.

Setchell JS & Huchard E. 2010. The hidden benefits of sex: Evidence of MHC-associated mate choice in primate societies. BioEssays, 32:940. pdf.

Wang J, Brekke P,Huchard E, Knapp LA & Cowlishaw G. 2010. Estimation of parameters of inbreeding and genetic drift in populations with overlapping generations. Evolution , 64:1704. pdf.


Alvergne, A., Huchard, E., Caillaud, D., Charpentier, M.J.E., Setchell, J.M., Ruppli, C., Féjan, D., Martinez, L., Cowlishaw, G. & Raymond, M. 2009. Human ability to visually recognize kin within primates. International Journal of Primatology, 30:199-210. pdf.

Huchard, E., Benavides, J., Setchell, J.M., Charpentier, M.J.E., Alvergne, A., King, A.J., Knapp, L.A., Cowlishaw, G. & Raymond, M. 2009. Studying shape in sexual signals: the case of primate sexual swellings. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 63:1231-1242. pdf.

Huchard, E., Courtiol, A., Benavides, J., Knapp, L.A., Raymond, M. & Cowlishaw, G. 2009. Can fertility signals lead to quality signals? Insights from the evolution of primate sexual swellings. Proceedings of the Royal Society London B, 276:1889-1897. pdf.


Huchard, E., Weill, M., Raymond, M., Cowlishaw, G. & Knapp, L.A. 2008. Polymorphism, haplotype composition and selection in the Mhc-DRB of wild baboons. Immunogenetics, 60:585-598. pdf.

King AJ, Douglas C, Huchard E, Isaac N & Cowlishaw G. 2008. Dominance and affiliation mediate despotism in a social primate. Current Biology, 18:1833. pdf.


Huchard, E., Colishaw, G., Raymond, M., Weill, M. & Knapp, L.A. 2006. Molecular study of Mhc-DRB in wild chacma baboons reveals high variability and evidence for transspecies inheritance. Immunogenetics, 58:805-816. pdf.